L a c t a L o v e

Breastfeeding! One of the most beautiful bonds we will ever create with our children can come through nurturing our babies through feeding them. As I say that, I remember the frustrations and irritations of breastfeeding specifically my first baby. It hurt, we cried and I thought we were never gonna get it right. It felt like it took forever to get in sync with how and when to breastfeed.

After my first baby, breastfeeding and the flow between us grew easier and quicker. Then each subsequent baby, I fell more and more in love with the whole process. This is bonding of breastfeeding. Of all my pregnancy and birth related experiences, I miss breastfeeding the very most. Isn’t it amazing that a woman’s body cannot only create and birth a new life, she gives that infant nourishment daily through something so simple as her breast?

I’m disheartened at what breasts have become as merely sexual objects. The life and sustenance breasts can give our babies is their phenomenal purpose. The fact that they produce a sweet, creamy liquid that gives in exact proportions the nutrients our newborn needs for proper growth and health, almost takes my breath away as I ponder it. We take our bodies abilities for granted and forget how perfect this is.

I believe just like birth, breastfeeding is a sacred experience where we’ve been blessed with, no only giving life to this baby, but feeding that life through breastfeeding. Also, from a nutritional standpoint, there is nothing that compares to the immune boosting, growth promoting, brain developing, precise health components specifically made for your baby. It is the
P E R F E C T food!

Especially for first time mamas, I recognize the frustration, pain and sometimes tears that come with breastfeeding our babies. It’s quite the undertaking to find the dance of breastfeeding that you and your baby take together. It can be a BIG fear that your body just might not create enough breastmilk. I get it! I’ve worked with many women who have this same fear. It can a few months before comfort, balance of milk production and ease of breastfeeding are found.

I’m here to offer support and empower you to not give up. I promise if you are diligent, you will succeed and triumph in your efforts. I know there are those who struggle with milk production and those who struggle to breastfeed at all, I’m here for you too. There are answers for you to find your breastfeeding way as well. This post isn’t about the benefits of breastfeeding, though there are many. Today I felt the need to encourage those mamas who just need a push.

All this being said, there are answers to help stimulate your bodies natural physiological processes to create more breastmilk for your baby.Truth is, though formula may help our babies survive, the lack of nutrient content or fundamental immune boosting antibodies just are not in formula. Breastmilk supplies so much that even the best formula on the market could never give a baby.

This is the reason I came up with my LactaLove blend! I longed to ease the fears and frustrations that postpartum mamas feel when working so hard to give their babies the optimum health for the rest of their lives. This is blend is dear to me as I had strong insights on what exactly to put in it. Its full of everything wonderful needed to help increase breast milk supply.

B l e s s e d * T h i s t l e is my all time favorite milk boosting herb. I’m amazed how quickly and effectively it works. When added to the other herbs like
H o p s
F e n n e l
A n i s e
F e n u g r e e k
N e t t l e, along with the other beneficial herbs I add, it’s a
P O W E R H O U S E to make sure your milk supply has the added boost it needs. So for all you nursing mamas who worry or struggle with breast milk production, this is your go to! I promise it’ll get you more milk in just a few days of taking it.

Lastly, I promise all you sweet mamas, if you be patient and persistent with yourselves and your baby, you will come out victorious! You will create a closeness, connection and bond with your newborn you never thought possible or felt before. Plus, supply all the food of CHAMPIONS to your newborn baby. Someday you’ll look back feeling so happy you did what you could to give your baby the BEST!

Remember, your doing great! Keep up the AMAZING work your doing for you and your baby. Your not alone. I’m here and many other woman are here for you too! Remember what your doing and why your doing it. I promise you if you stick to it, you’ll come out victorious and so happy you never gave up! You are giving your baby lifelong health. Most importantly, your creating a connection and a love between you that’s difficult to find at such a young age in any other way.