L i v i n g M o m ?
A p o t h e c a r i e s
Did ya’ll know that all my proprietary herbal blends that are added to your placenta are sold individually as well?????
When I started LivingMom Placenta Encapsulation 10 years ago, I had no idea the ways I could give greater healing, relief, comfort and recovery benefits to my mamas.
Placenta encapsulation is powerful on its own. But the 
results I’m seeing with my clients when adding the herbal blends is so
and helps target specific issues for each mama. 99% of my clients prefer to add an herbal blend and are
E C S T A T I C they did so!
In my placenta encapsulator journey, I quickly realized in order to keep my mamas
B L I S S E D • O U T
in their postpartum time, many of them still needed help AFTER
their placenta pills were gone.
This is when I invented LivingMom Apothecaries. These blends were created out of my desperation to help my sweet clients remain feeling happy and receiving many of the same benefits they were getting in their placenta pills.
Because of this, the inspiration poured in on what creations I needed to put together to help these mamas.
A lovely mama and dear client of mine  has found great results with her placenta pills and is close to her supply ending.
So she decided to order 3 of my herbal blends to uplift and support her after her placenta pills are gone. (See picture above)

Though all of my blends can be used in pregnancy, I wanted to describe in more detail what each of the blends that she ordered can help with in pregnancy or in your postpartum time. Read below more about each of these 3 blends and how they can support the system in keeping calm, dispelling depression and give you energy to succeed throughout your day!

C a l m i n g ~ B l e n d
My Calming Blend. It’s name gives away exactly what it is and what it does.

When I decided it was important to create these blends for my pregnant/postpartum mamas, I knew I wasn’t making them just for my clients. I was also making them for me, along with anyone who struggles with anxiety of any kind.
I’ve suffered from severe depression and generalized anxiety for years. I’ve never felt the draw toward medication to solve the problem, especially after watching family members find relief for short periods of time but become dependent on it. Years of use had crippled their bodies ability to create their own serotonin and they now struggle to ever get off of it.

So for years, I tried one supplement after another, changing my diet and seeking nutrient sources to combat my issues. I did find relief for extended periods of time and then life would overwhelm me in ways where what I was doing just wasn’t enough.
I realized a couple years ago it was time to use meditation and prayer to find answers for me and my clients to help end our suffering.

I’ve been amazed by the positive result we’re finding. No, it’s not a magic pill and it doesn’t make all of life’s anxieties go away.
Yes, you have to be diligent in understanding your mind and body and knowing what it needs.
This blend helps with hormonal balance but mostly gives a calming effect to the body system as a whole.
So if any of you mamas (pregnant or just had a baby or not) need support to aid in lessening anxiety, supporting the nervous system and quieting the mind, getting a good nights rest then this is the blend for you! I’m so happy to be able to offer this to anyone who needs it! I believe it’ll bring solace to your internal experience in your life.

After much prayer, thought and diligent research, I put together a blend that can keep you calm throughout the day, pacify you at any moment you feel a panic or anxiety attack coming in, OR best of all, help you sleep.
I’ve met many a pregnant mama who just couldn’t sleep well throughout the night. Or who slept good but then if they got woken up, just couldn’t fall back to sleep. This blend combats both of those issues.
I’ve been amazed with my own experience and also the feedback from my clients. It’s help mamas cope and chill in ways that bring a peace to their lives they just weren’t finding.  Some of the specific herbs added in just the right proportions give a tranquil effect on the nervous system. Some of these important herbs are:
l a v e n d e r
c h a m o m i l e
v a l e r i a n
p a s s i o n f l o w e r
k a v a ` k a v a
This blend works for all ages, shapes and sizes of people who regularly suffer from mild to severe anxiety. My own experience to help alleviate my anxiety has exceeded my expectations. The results speak for themselves as many mamas are finally finding relief from the storms and stresses of life through using my Calming Blend. I’m grateful to be able to share this with all the wonderful woman and families who desperately need it. If you want something natural, safe and effective to help heal your anxiety, this is your ticket. 

Here is the direct link to purchase LivingMom Calming Blend

B y e ~ B y e ~ B l u e s
Postpartum depression or depression of any kind hinders us in ways that feel we are swimming against the current in our daily lives. I know this because I have suffered from depression for years! And I come from a long line of depressed women.

It seems to me depression is everywhere in the world of women. Especially in pregnancy and postpartum care. I’m amazed at how rampant it’s become even in the last 10 years. The vast majority of women I work with suffer from it in one way or another. It looks different for everyone. In fact, I used to call myself the high functioning depressed person. It’s not that way for everyone though. Many, if not most woman suffer in silence, putting on the mask that all is well.

When the crap finally hit the fan in my life a few years ago, I knew I needed new answers to help me navigate the excruciating pain that would surface for me. It’s interesting the way this answer came about.

I’ve always used diet, exercise, supplementation and meditation to combat the problem. Finally, those things didn’t seem to be enough. So I prayed and pondered and I was answered through helping my clients.

So many of them suffered from PPD and my heart went out to them. Many had tried medication and found little to no relief or just didn’t feel medication was right for them especially during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I wholly agreed there had to be other solutions.
All of a sudden, the herbs needed to help uplift and support women during this difficult time flooded in my brain and the formulation came quickly.

I take all my herbal blends daily and have for over a year now. This particular blend has truly been a God send. I’m a huge proponent of self medication specifically when using herbs. Understanding your mind and body, truly helps direct you on how and when to take the herbs. When incorporated with a healthy lifestyle, my clients find the relief they are seeking. Herbs do work when taken in the right manner and with the right dosage F O R?Y O U!

With herbs like
S t. J o h n ‘ s ~ W o r t
G i n g k o ~ L e a f
G o t u ~ K o l a
F a l s e ~ U n i c o r n

you’ll find the relief your seeking. Not only does this blend help to support the mind and balance hormones, it supports the nervous system to give a peace to your daily life. It helps feed and nourish the mind and body to function more optimally which, in turn, uplifts you to feel happier. For all you pregnant or postpartum mamas, please consider trying a more natural, holistic alternative before jumping into medication. There are other answers that do work!

Here’s the direct link to purchase LivingMom’s Bye Bye Blues herbal blend

S t r o n g ~ M a m a
My Strong Mama blend is and does exactly what is says it is.  This blend helps and supports those mamas who are lethargic and lagging in energy. Life can feel exhausting especially during pregnancy or after having a baby. This blend supports the adrenals to create the healthy hormones to give energy to the system when needed and in the right amounts for you!

Here is a list of some of the herbs added to my Strong Mama blend.
B e e ~ P o l l e n
Y e r b a ~ M a t e
A s h w a g a n d a
S k u l l c a p
G o t u ~ K o l a

This blend is formulated in a balanced way to work with your body and give you the extra support you need. Not only that, but this blend speeds up recovery. Herbs like:
C o m f r e y
P l a n t a i n
W h i t e ~ O a k ~ B a r k
B l a c k ~ W a l n u t ~ L e a f
all help to support the skin and tissues of the bones to restore themselves at a rapid pace. My mamas tell me when using this blend any painful perineum or physical discomforts subside when using this blend. An added bonus is they claim their bleeding time is almost cut in half.

If your looking for a natural and safe pick me up and a speedier recovery, my Strong Mama blend is the perfect remedy!

Here is the direct link to purchase LivingMom’s Strong Mama herbal blend