LivingMom Apothecaries With or Without Placenta Encapsulation

L i v i n g M o m ? A p o t h e c a r i e s Did ya’ll know that all my proprietary herbal blends that are added to…

Nourishing (and tasty) Pregnancy Eats-DIY Coconut Yogurt Chia Pudding

I thought all my dear mamas might want my recipe on how to make your own delicious coconut yogurt and then turn that…

Treating Jaundice Naturally

I had a placenta encapsulation client recently in need of how to help her baby with jaundice. Here it is, guys. 1️⃣st-…

The Emily Effect-Postpartum Depression If you haven't heard about this, you need to! It's beyond heartbreaking! You can read the…

Birth or ANY Trauma (for that matter): It CAN Be Healed

Trauma is a subject you'll find I talk a lot about on here.  Birth trauma can set the stage for how we choose to…

Science Shows Vitamin D May Help Prevent MS In Newborn

I'm a big fan of sunbathing.  I always have been.  I believe the sun and the nutrients it provides the body…

C-Section Trauma at Birth Can Last A Life Time

  Since I've already been on the subject of epigenetics so much lately, I thought I'd stay in that vein and post…

Raw Foods Class: Crunchy Pea Casserole & Sweet Corn Lettuce Wraps

Presents Crunchy Pea Casserole & Sweet Corn Lettuce Wraps Information for the class below! When: Tuesday,…

Support Sergei’s Green Smoothie Documentary

img The video below looks SUPER fun and like something I think everyone should support!  I still remember…

Keep Baby Healthy From Conception On & A Man Having a Baby

Sperm swimming in the direction of the egg cell Just found a GREAT article on Dr. Mercola's site.  Though I'm…

Aspartame: Weight Gain Or Retardation in Baby? You Decide!

img Ok, my friends.  I'm sure that many of you already know this information but.....I HAD to share.  I have a…

Can You Change Old Negative Belief Patterns to Help Your Baby Change The World?

Raising consciousness and thought levels of humanity through understanding what actually takes place in the womb is…

Infant Formula Kills Healthy Cells 45% to 99% of the Time

img I've written a few posts on the the benefits of breastfeeding and the many problems of infant formula on…

Just Encapsulate Your Placenta: More Reasons WHY!

You will find regular posts on my site about placenta encapsulation.  That's because I think it pretty much ROCKS…

Breastfeeding ROCKS! Here’s WHY!

I find it interesting that the debate of the health values of breast milk are still in full force.  It seems to…