New Research on the Safety of Placenta Encapsulation Debunks CDC Article

A new CBS report sites recent research on the safety of placenta encapsulation for your newborn. In order to fully…

Increase Breast Milk Supply with LactaLove

L a c t a L o v e Breastfeeding! One of the most beautiful bonds we will ever create with our children can come through…

LivingMom Apothecaries With or Without Placenta Encapsulation

L i v i n g M o m ? A p o t h e c a r i e s Did ya’ll know that all my proprietary herbal blends that are added to…

The Emily Effect-Postpartum Depression If you haven't heard about this, you need to! It's beyond heartbreaking! You can read the…

Just Encapsulate Your Placenta: More Reasons WHY!

You will find regular posts on my site about placenta encapsulation.  That's because I think it pretty much ROCKS…

To Give You YOUR Placenta Or To Keep It-That Is the Question?

Holy COW, my friends!  It has been a LONG time since I have posted.  WOW!  Summer is FLYING…

My LOVE for Placentas…Here’s Why

img For those of you who know me, you know how much I LOVE placentas.  I have been fascinated by them…

Is Placenta Encapsulation Just a Fad Or Does It Really Have Health Benefits?

Here's more about the WONDERFUL benefits of Placenta Encapsulation!  The article below refers to the…

The Twin Birth~My Perspective

Roman Tyler and Hazel Reid So the twin birth did happen.  Oh, it happened!...this morning at…

January Jones Eats Her Own Placenta

Now, I'm not one who usually gets excited about any Hollywood star doing anything but I thought it'd be FUN to go ahead…