March 13, 2018
Increase Breast Milk Supply with LactaLove
L a c t a L o v e Breastfeeding! One of the most beautiful bonds we will ever create with our children can come through…
January 26, 2017
Say NO To Vitamin K Shot~Say YES To EATING GREENS!
I'm not a fan, in the least, of any of the newborn testing or screening that is done. Especially when its done right…
October 26, 2016
Great Love for our Children
"Every child should be nuture with great love. The feeling of great love promotes wellness and potential for…
October 25, 2016
Newborn Needs
"A newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security…
October 20, 2016
Treating Jaundice Naturally
I had a placenta encapsulation client recently in need of how to help her baby with jaundice. Here it is, guys. 1️⃣st-…
February 18, 2016
An Unnecessary Cut-3 Solutions to Support a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)
You can find the link to the article and video by clicking below: An Unnecessary Cut Let’s talk about c-sections.…
April 8, 2013
Healing Fears Women Have With Childbirth
I wanted to discuss the article called "Top Fears Women Have With Childbirth" and put my 2 bits into it. I…
April 1, 2013
Unassisted Childbirth- Can It Be Really Safe?
Let's discuss unassisted birth today....or FREE BIRTH as many people are calling it. I happen to be a midwife who…
January 23, 2013
Know the Signs & Ways to Avoid a C-Section
img So....I have passionate feelings about our current c-section rate which seems to be holding strong at 32%.…
June 15, 2012
You CAN Help!
I just found this website and they need your help. ONE WORLD BIRTH is doing a documentary on Agnes Gereb with the…
June 14, 2012
For The LOVE Of Agnes Gereb
My dear followers, (which are few but I LOVE you all)I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week. I come from a…
June 8, 2012
The Power of Creation Through Plant & Human Pollination
My Dad sent me the first video below and I fell in LOVE with it. I sat watching in AWE at the power of creation…
June 6, 2012
We Are All Midwives
Being a midwife is an interesting endeavor. I am FASCINATED by all things birth related. I will…
June 5, 2012
Co Sleeping:The FACTS & The Benefits
I have a friend who asked me to post my experiences and opinions on co sleeping. We have co slept with…
June 1, 2012
Whapio’s Words On ‘The Holistic Stages of Labor’
Below is one of the more BEAUTIFUL articles I've read. I had to share it with all of you. I harken with…