LivingMom News

Pregnancy and birth-related news to keep every Momma informed

New Research on the Safety of Placenta Encapsulation Debunks CDC Article

A new CBS report sites recent research on the safety of placenta encapsulation for your newborn. In order to fully…

Increase Breast Milk Supply with LactaLove

L a c t a L o v e Breastfeeding! One of the most beautiful bonds we will ever create with our children can come through…

LivingMom Apothecaries With or Without Placenta Encapsulation

L i v i n g M o m ? A p o t h e c a r i e s Did ya’ll know that all my proprietary herbal blends that are added to…

Nourishing (and tasty) Pregnancy Eats-DIY Coconut Yogurt Chia Pudding

I thought all my dear mamas might want my recipe on how to make your own delicious coconut yogurt and then turn that…

20 Spectacular Birth Images Win 2017 Contest

The wonderful website, Birth Becomes Her, put together by 2 lovely woman present pregnancy, birth and postpartum…

Yoni Steam Postpartum Blend

LivingMom Menstruation Yoni Steam

Y O N I?S T E A M S For you mamas who may not know what a Yoni Steam is, it’s a way to cleanse, purify and heal the…

How Much Water is Necessary in Pregnancy?

?W A T E R? I thought it important to discuss the crucial benefits of drinking enough water in pregnancy, postpartum…

Poem for Mothers

• M O T H E R • Take a moment and look at each of the faces in this picture. The baby C R Y I N G! The second youngest…

Asian Woman Gives Birth in Public Market

I'm always amazed at societies ability to be shocked at the ease of birth.  The story below is a great example of this.…

Placenta Discussion on “The Place” with Fox 13

Fox 13 News contacted me a couple weeks ago for an interview about my placenta encapsulation! I’ve been so…

Say NO To Vitamin K Shot~Say YES To EATING GREENS!

I'm not a fan, in the least, of any of the newborn testing or screening that is done. Especially when its done right…

LivingMom Placenta Encapsulation SHIPS!

LivingMom Placenta Encapsulation ships out of state!   You don't have to live in Utah to receive the AMAZING benefits…