May 15, 2018
New Research on the Safety of Placenta Encapsulation Debunks CDC Article
A new CBS report sites recent research on the safety of placenta encapsulation for your newborn. In order to fully…
February 27, 2018
Nourishing (and tasty) Pregnancy Eats-DIY Coconut Yogurt Chia Pudding
I thought all my dear mamas might want my recipe on how to make your own delicious coconut yogurt and then turn that…
February 20, 2018
20 Spectacular Birth Images Win 2017 Contest
The wonderful website, Birth Becomes Her, put together by 2 lovely woman present pregnancy, birth and postpartum…
January 29, 2018
LivingMom Menstruation Yoni Steam
Y O N I?S T E A M S For you mamas who may not know what a Yoni Steam is, it’s a way to cleanse, purify and heal the…
January 25, 2018
How Much Water is Necessary in Pregnancy?
?W A T E R? I thought it important to discuss the crucial benefits of drinking enough water in pregnancy, postpartum…
January 26, 2017
Say NO To Vitamin K Shot~Say YES To EATING GREENS!
I'm not a fan, in the least, of any of the newborn testing or screening that is done. Especially when its done right…
May 24, 2016
The Emily Effect-Postpartum Depression If you haven't heard about this, you need to! It's beyond heartbreaking! You can read the…
March 28, 2013
Spontaneous Creation: 101 Reasons NOT To Have Your Baby In A Hospital
I wanted to share with you an EXCELLENT book which discusses the in and outs of childbirth and WHY choosing to have…
January 23, 2013
Know the Signs & Ways to Avoid a C-Section
img So....I have passionate feelings about our current c-section rate which seems to be holding strong at 32%.…
August 23, 2012
Fatness Is Predisposed In Utero
So just another article that delves into the world of pregnancy and nutrition, my 2 LOVES! I'm excited to think…
July 18, 2012
Epigentics: The Environment Defines The Imprinting
The article below is fascinating! Again, more evidence that our DNA patterns can and DO shift based upon the…
July 13, 2012
Stepping Outside The Birth Box
I recently heard the song below and was fascinated by it. It was written in the 60's, a time of feminism and…
June 28, 2012
Preparation BEFORE Pregnancy-It Makes ALL The Difference
Preparation for pregnancy isn't really discussed much in our world. Unfortunately, its something that seems…
June 14, 2012
For The LOVE Of Agnes Gereb
My dear followers, (which are few but I LOVE you all)I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week. I come from a…
June 6, 2012
We Are All Midwives
Being a midwife is an interesting endeavor. I am FASCINATED by all things birth related. I will…