New Research on the Safety of Placenta Encapsulation Debunks CDC Article
A new CBS report sites recent research on the safety of placenta encapsulation for your newborn. In order to fully grasp the importance of this current scientific research, we must go back a year when the CDC decided to come out with an article claiming placenta encapsulation as the cause for GBS infection in a newborn. The article used big medical words and terminology which the lay person would might not fully understand, along with the use of very little actual data claiming a newborn had caught GBS by his mother ingesting her placenta pills. I won't go into great detail on this particular article. Though I did personally call the CDC on, at least 2-3 occasions requesting to speak to the author of the article without any return phone calls or response. My opinion is the article is flawed and makes no has no substantial evidence that the GBS was caused by the placenta pills. In fact, my clinical data and discussions with many doctors and others in the medical profession, the real culprit was an antibiotic resistance which caused the second bout of infection.
Irrespective, of that article, this new report has actual research and data findings proving placenta encapsulation is safe for newborn babies. They article states, "Researchers at Oregon State University, UNLV, and UC Davis have concluded that women who consume placenta, usually in pill form after delivery, were not increasing the risk of infection while breastfeeding their child. The study also claims that ingesting the placenta may help relieve postpartum depression in women."
This is beyond exciting news! There is very little research that has been performed on mothers regarding placenta encapsulation. Despite all the research and testing that still needs to be done, this is a step in the right direction. My 10 years experience of encapsulating placentas for Moms has only shown the phenomenal benefits they are receiving. After encapsulating almost 1,000 placentas, I can confidently say LivingMom Placenta Encapsulation Services has not seen one risk for moms or babies. Quite the opposite actually!
My clients state they are happier, feel more peace, are less irritable, have more energy and carry an overall healthy sense of well being they haven't received in other postpartum experiences. Often, I'm getting texts or emails thanking for me how wonderfully they are feeling and how they had no idea they could feel so GOOD! In part, I think this is because of the herbal blends I add to target specific issues they might have. Placenta encapsulation, on its own, can be promising but every woman is unique and all woman aren't dealing with the same postpartum problems. That's what makes the LivingMom herbal blends that can be added to your placenta so special. Each mother can individualize her order and pick which blends she thinks would give the highest results for their particular need.
Placenta encapsulation does provide natural hormonal therapy. It only takes logic to understand the processes that take place during pregnancy to provide all the hormonally and nutritionally rich placenta with everything it needs to supply to a mother during a potentially stressful, overwhelming postpartum experience. Sure, there are a few mammals that don't eat their placentas after delivery but they are few and far between.
Placenta encapsulation is one the BEST gifts a postpartum mom can give herself and her family. The high levels of the love hormone, oxytocin, stimulate healthy bonding between mother, baby and family. Not only that but everyone knows that when a mom is happy, everyone is happy! A mother's peace of mind can change the whole dynamic of the postpartum experience for her whole family.
I'm really excited about this recent research and report. This is just a drop in the bucket showing how beneficial placenta encapsulation can really be!
Increase Breast Milk Supply with LactaLove
Breastfeeding! One of the most beautiful bonds we will ever create with our children can come through nurturing our babies through feeding them. As I say that, I remember the frustrations and irritations of breastfeeding specifically my first baby. It hurt, we cried and I thought we were never gonna get it right. It felt like it took forever to get in sync with how and when to breastfeed.
After my first baby, breastfeeding and the flow between us grew easier and quicker. Then each subsequent baby, I fell more and more in love with the whole process. This is bonding of breastfeeding. Of all my pregnancy and birth related experiences, I miss breastfeeding the very most. Isn’t it amazing that a woman’s body cannot only create and birth a new life, she gives that infant nourishment daily through something so simple as her breast?
I’m disheartened at what breasts have become as merely sexual objects. The life and sustenance breasts can give our babies is their phenomenal purpose. The fact that they produce a sweet, creamy liquid that gives in exact proportions the nutrients our newborn needs for proper growth and health, almost takes my breath away as I ponder it. We take our bodies abilities for granted and forget how perfect this is.
I believe just like birth, breastfeeding is a sacred experience where we’ve been blessed with, no only giving life to this baby, but feeding that life through breastfeeding. Also, from a nutritional standpoint, there is nothing that compares to the immune boosting, growth promoting, brain developing, precise health components specifically made for your baby. It is the
P E R F E C T food!
Especially for first time mamas, I recognize the frustration, pain and sometimes tears that come with breastfeeding our babies. It’s quite the undertaking to find the dance of breastfeeding that you and your baby take together. It can be a BIG fear that your body just might not create enough breastmilk. I get it! I've worked with many women who have this same fear. It can a few months before comfort, balance of milk production and ease of breastfeeding are found.
I’m here to offer support and empower you to not give up. I promise if you are diligent, you will succeed and triumph in your efforts. I know there are those who struggle with milk production and those who struggle to breastfeed at all, I’m here for you too. There are answers for you to find your breastfeeding way as well. This post isn’t about the benefits of breastfeeding, though there are many. Today I felt the need to encourage those mamas who just need a push.
All this being said, there are answers to help stimulate your bodies natural physiological processes to create more breastmilk for your baby.Truth is, though formula may help our babies survive, the lack of nutrient content or fundamental immune boosting antibodies just are not in formula. Breastmilk supplies so much that even the best formula on the market could never give a baby.
This is the reason I came up with my LactaLove blend! I longed to ease the fears and frustrations that postpartum mamas feel when working so hard to give their babies the optimum health for the rest of their lives. This is blend is dear to me as I had strong insights on what exactly to put in it. Its full of everything wonderful needed to help increase breast milk supply.
B l e s s e d * T h i s t l e is my all time favorite milk boosting herb. I'm amazed how quickly and effectively it works. When added to the other herbs like
H o p s
F e n n e l
A n i s e
F e n u g r e e k
N e t t l e, along with the other beneficial herbs I add, it's a
P O W E R H O U S E to make sure your milk supply has the added boost it needs. So for all you nursing mamas who worry or struggle with breast milk production, this is your go to! I promise it'll get you more milk in just a few days of taking it.
Lastly, I promise all you sweet mamas, if you be patient and persistent with yourselves and your baby, you will come out victorious! You will create a closeness, connection and bond with your newborn you never thought possible or felt before. Plus, supply all the food of CHAMPIONS to your newborn baby. Someday you’ll look back feeling so happy you did what you could to give your baby the BEST!
Remember, your doing great! Keep up the AMAZING work your doing for you and your baby. Your not alone. I’m here and many other woman are here for you too! Remember what your doing and why your doing it. I promise you if you stick to it, you’ll come out victorious and so happy you never gave up! You are giving your baby lifelong health. Most importantly, your creating a connection and a love between you that’s difficult to find at such a young age in any other way.
LivingMom Apothecaries With or Without Placenta Encapsulation
L i v i n g M o m ?
A p o t h e c a r i e s
Did ya’ll know that all my proprietary herbal blends that are added to your placenta are sold individually as well?????
When I started LivingMom Placenta Encapsulation 10 years ago, I had no idea the ways I could give greater healing, relief, comfort and recovery benefits to my mamas.
Placenta encapsulation is powerful on its own. But the
results I’m seeing with my clients when adding the herbal blends is so
and helps target specific issues for each mama. 99% of my clients prefer to add an herbal blend and are
E C S T A T I C they did so!
In my placenta encapsulator journey, I quickly realized in order to keep my mamas
B L I S S E D • O U T
in their postpartum time, many of them still needed help AFTER
their placenta pills were gone.
This is when I invented LivingMom Apothecaries. These blends were created out of my desperation to help my sweet clients remain feeling happy and receiving many of the same benefits they were getting in their placenta pills.
Because of this, the inspiration poured in on what creations I needed to put together to help these mamas.
A lovely mama and dear client of mine has found great results with her placenta pills and is close to her supply ending.
So she decided to order 3 of my herbal blends to uplift and support her after her placenta pills are gone. (See picture above)
Though all of my blends can be used in pregnancy, I wanted to describe in more detail what each of the blends that she ordered can help with in pregnancy or in your postpartum time. Read below more about each of these 3 blends and how they can support the system in keeping calm, dispelling depression and give you energy to succeed throughout your day!
C a l m i n g ~ B l e n d
My Calming Blend. It's name gives away exactly what it is and what it does.
When I decided it was important to create these blends for my pregnant/postpartum mamas, I knew I wasn’t making them just for my clients. I was also making them for me, along with anyone who struggles with anxiety of any kind.
I’ve suffered from severe depression and generalized anxiety for years. I’ve never felt the draw toward medication to solve the problem, especially after watching family members find relief for short periods of time but become dependent on it. Years of use had crippled their bodies ability to create their own serotonin and they now struggle to ever get off of it.
So for years, I tried one supplement after another, changing my diet and seeking nutrient sources to combat my issues. I did find relief for extended periods of time and then life would overwhelm me in ways where what I was doing just wasn’t enough.
I realized a couple years ago it was time to use meditation and prayer to find answers for me and my clients to help end our suffering.
I’ve been amazed by the positive result we’re finding. No, it’s not a magic pill and it doesn’t make all of life’s anxieties go away.
Yes, you have to be diligent in understanding your mind and body and knowing what it needs.
This blend helps with hormonal balance but mostly gives a calming effect to the body system as a whole.
So if any of you mamas (pregnant or just had a baby or not) need support to aid in lessening anxiety, supporting the nervous system and quieting the mind, getting a good nights rest then this is the blend for you! I’m so happy to be able to offer this to anyone who needs it! I believe it’ll bring solace to your internal experience in your life.
After much prayer, thought and diligent research, I put together a blend that can keep you calm throughout the day, pacify you at any moment you feel a panic or anxiety attack coming in, OR best of all, help you sleep.
I've met many a pregnant mama who just couldn't sleep well throughout the night. Or who slept good but then if they got woken up, just couldn't fall back to sleep. This blend combats both of those issues.
I've been amazed with my own experience and also the feedback from my clients. It's help mamas cope and chill in ways that bring a peace to their lives they just weren't finding. Some of the specific herbs added in just the right proportions give a tranquil effect on the nervous system. Some of these important herbs are:
l a v e n d e r
c h a m o m i l e
v a l e r i a n
p a s s i o n f l o w e r
k a v a ` k a v a
This blend works for all ages, shapes and sizes of people who regularly suffer from mild to severe anxiety. My own experience to help alleviate my anxiety has exceeded my expectations. The results speak for themselves as many mamas are finally finding relief from the storms and stresses of life through using my Calming Blend. I'm grateful to be able to share this with all the wonderful woman and families who desperately need it. If you want something natural, safe and effective to help heal your anxiety, this is your ticket.
Here is the direct link to purchase LivingMom Calming Blend
B y e ~ B y e ~ B l u e s
Postpartum depression or depression of any kind hinders us in ways that feel we are swimming against the current in our daily lives. I know this because I have suffered from depression for years! And I come from a long line of depressed women.
It seems to me depression is everywhere in the world of women. Especially in pregnancy and postpartum care. I’m amazed at how rampant it’s become even in the last 10 years. The vast majority of women I work with suffer from it in one way or another. It looks different for everyone. In fact, I used to call myself the high functioning depressed person. It’s not that way for everyone though. Many, if not most woman suffer in silence, putting on the mask that all is well.
When the crap finally hit the fan in my life a few years ago, I knew I needed new answers to help me navigate the excruciating pain that would surface for me. It’s interesting the way this answer came about.
I’ve always used diet, exercise, supplementation and meditation to combat the problem. Finally, those things didn’t seem to be enough. So I prayed and pondered and I was answered through helping my clients.
So many of them suffered from PPD and my heart went out to them. Many had tried medication and found little to no relief or just didn’t feel medication was right for them especially during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I wholly agreed there had to be other solutions.
All of a sudden, the herbs needed to help uplift and support women during this difficult time flooded in my brain and the formulation came quickly.
I take all my herbal blends daily and have for over a year now. This particular blend has truly been a God send. I’m a huge proponent of self medication specifically when using herbs. Understanding your mind and body, truly helps direct you on how and when to take the herbs. When incorporated with a healthy lifestyle, my clients find the relief they are seeking. Herbs do work when taken in the right manner and with the right dosage F O R?Y O U!
With herbs like
S t. J o h n ' s ~ W o r t
G i n g k o ~ L e a f
G o t u ~ K o l a
F a l s e ~ U n i c o r n
you'll find the relief your seeking. Not only does this blend help to support the mind and balance hormones, it supports the nervous system to give a peace to your daily life. It helps feed and nourish the mind and body to function more optimally which, in turn, uplifts you to feel happier. For all you pregnant or postpartum mamas, please consider trying a more natural, holistic alternative before jumping into medication. There are other answers that do work!
Here's the direct link to purchase LivingMom's Bye Bye Blues herbal blend
S t r o n g ~ M a m a
My Strong Mama blend is and does exactly what is says it is. This blend helps and supports those mamas who are lethargic and lagging in energy. Life can feel exhausting especially during pregnancy or after having a baby. This blend supports the adrenals to create the healthy hormones to give energy to the system when needed and in the right amounts for you!
Here is a list of some of the herbs added to my Strong Mama blend.
B e e ~ P o l l e n
Y e r b a ~ M a t e
A s h w a g a n d a
S k u l l c a p
G o t u ~ K o l a
This blend is formulated in a balanced way to work with your body and give you the extra support you need. Not only that, but this blend speeds up recovery. Herbs like:
C o m f r e y
P l a n t a i n
W h i t e ~ O a k ~ B a r k
B l a c k ~ W a l n u t ~ L e a f
all help to support the skin and tissues of the bones to restore themselves at a rapid pace. My mamas tell me when using this blend any painful perineum or physical discomforts subside when using this blend. An added bonus is they claim their bleeding time is almost cut in half.
If your looking for a natural and safe pick me up and a speedier recovery, my Strong Mama blend is the perfect remedy!
Here is the direct link to purchase LivingMom's Strong Mama herbal blend
Nourishing (and tasty) Pregnancy Eats-DIY Coconut Yogurt Chia Pudding
I thought all my dear mamas might want my recipe on how to make your own delicious coconut yogurt and then turn that into the tastiest chia pudding. To start off, I think it's important you understand the amazing health benefits of both coconuts and chia seeds. Once you know this information, you'll see how putting these together into a simple, easy treat is one of the best things you can do for your pregnant body and growing baby.
Y O U N G ?C O C O N U T S
I’m ecstatic I get to share my love for coconuts! Coconuts are beyond healthy and nutritious for internal and external use. I have some form of coconut almost daily in my diet. Not only that, I’ve used cold pressed, organic coconut oil for my skin and hair for years now. For a pregnant mama and a growing baby, coconuts have amazing health benefits.
Young coconut water is a wonderful source of all 5 essential electrolytes helping to alleviate dehydration, morning sickness, nausea, and diarrhea, along with balancing blood pressure and pH levels of the body.
Coconut waters rich fiber content is an excellent laxative to ease constipation and enhance digestion. It also improves metabolism, while detoxifying your body.
Coconuts boosts immunity. It’s packed full of essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants that provide resistance to infections. Drinking coconut water especially in the third-trimester can boost the amniotic fluid levels.
Coconuts are antiviral, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic. The lauric acid in coconuts helps kills candida albicans which is the root cause of pregnancy related yeast infections.
Coconut oils high antioxidant properties makes it excellent for the skin. The oil protects the body from free radical damage thus slowing the aging process. Coconut oil is also known to treat skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.
Eating coconuts improves the bodies ability to absorb calcium and magnesium. This supports the development of strong healthy, bones and teeth for you and your unborn baby.
My coconut yogurt chia pudding is a simple recipe that is power packed with vital nutrients for pregnancy. It's also a great addition when used as one of your babies first solid foods. It's soft, creamy and great to boost the microbiome for your babies gut too!
C H I A ~ S E E D S
Chia seeds just so happen to be one of my all time favorite foods. They are highly nutritive! Just a few of the health benefits are:
20% protein
5x more calcium than milk
64% more potassium than a banana
2x the antioxidants of blueberries
100% more omega-3 than salmon
41% of your daily fiber
32% daily magnesium
3x more iron than spinach
They are excellent for pregnancy as they keep the bowels moving since slower bowels can be problematic. I add chia seeds to many things I make from my kefir water to my baked goods along with my coconut chia pudding. Chia seeds work wonderfully as a thickener and binder in my egg free dishes. They add a lovely little crunch that is perfect for my granola and banana muffins.
The high iron and protein content makes them a great pregnancy and postpartum food. More protein means you will be satiated longer which can be helpful when dealing with upset tummy issues in early pregnancy.
C O C O N U T?C H I A ?P U D D I N G
Meat and water of 1 young coconut or use your DIY coconut yogurt
2 Tbsp to 1/4 cup chia seeds. This depends on your personal preference on the amount of chia seeds. The more chia the thicker the pudding.
2 Tbsp-1/4 cup sweetener-we use maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar.
1 tsp. vanilla
Blend coconut meat and water and sweetener in the blender together until smooth Pour in a bowl and stir in chia seeds. Let sit for 4-6 hours or until desired firmness.
This pudding reminds me a lot of tapioca pudding. I like to top it with blended or freshly chopped fruit.
Seriously, one of my favorite snack foods!
DIY ? C o c o n u t • Y o g u r t
I used to make it with young fresh coconut meat but found the flavor of coconut a little overbearing for me. I have since tried to use boxed and canned coconut milk and found excellent results! This is super easy to make! And is
a b s o l u t e l y • d e l i c i o u s!
I’ve tried most coconut yogurts that can be purchased in the store and my own is, by far, the best I have tasted yet.
This is a wonderful, healthy food source for when your baby is first starting on solids too!
But, most importantly
R e m e m b e r, all the vital gut flora that baby gets from fermented foods. This is of utmost importance within the first few years of life as their system is building and boosting immunity through diet.
My favorite way to eat it is my coconut chia pudding. You can find that recipe in my stories as well.
All you need to make this is:
1 can of organic coconut milk
1 probiotic tablet
a quart jar
a bit of cheese cloth to put on top.
Blend the coconut milk and probiotic tablet together. Pour into a glass quart jar. Cover with cheesecloth and wrap a rubber band around the top to hold it into place. Let sit on your counter for 24-48 hours until desired fermented flavor. Try it, ladies!
S e r i o u s l y • d e l i c i o u s!
This yogurt can replace any dairy yogurt in all recipes.
20 Spectacular Birth Images Win 2017 Contest
The wonderful website, Birth Becomes Her, put together by 2 lovely woman present pregnancy, birth and postpartum photography in thought provoking, remarkable light. They run a yearly contest for birth photographers to post entries to be judged. This year they had entries from 3 different countries, 16 judges and 966 entries.
As you look through all these pictures, you'll see the beauty in each one as it shares what experience each individual woman is having. Birth is always beautiful to me, no matter what environment, setting or set up takes place.
I think my personal favorite picture is the one above. How BEAUTIFUL that this sweet baby is reaching up to mama even before being born! This particular image is by Selena Rollason of Brisbane Birth Photography. Go check out Birth Becomes Her to see all the photo winners.
LivingMom Menstruation Yoni Steam
For you mamas who may not know what a Yoni Steam is, it’s a way to cleanse, purify and heal the Yoni. The Yoni is mostly defined as the vulva though it encompasses all the perineal areas surrounding the female genitalia. These are an EXCELLENT resource for pregnant mamas as they are one of the safest ways to use natural methods to find relief.
Yoni steams have been used indigenously by many women in South American and other cultures.Yoni steams are packed full of healing, nutritive herbs that help to combat abnormalities and disease. They are more regularly used for the discomforts of menstrual cycles such as cramps, heavy or light menstruation, PMS, etc. Many women worldwide have found great relief from the irritations that come with monthly moon cycles, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility and a wide variety of female maladies. LivingMom’s Menstruation Yoni Steam blend will help heal and treat the everyday discomforts that come with mensuration.
Yoni steams can help bring hormonal balance back and create warmth to inspire comfort and relaxation. There are many ways healing takes place using Yoni steams. An informative article has been written called Vaginal Steaming: What You Need To Know. In this article, several benefits are given. Here are just a few below.
- Significantly reduce discomfort, bloating and exhaustion associated with monthly cycles
- Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses
- Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles
- Increase fertility, especially when combined with Mayan abdominal massage
- Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth
- Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness and uterine prolapse
- Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids
- Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and maintain healthy odor
- Relieve symptoms of menopause
I’ve recently created a Menstruation, Postpartum, and Fertility blend that will be beneficial for those woman seeking help. I’ll be posting these on my website soon for purchase by those interested.
I’m so in love with the blends I’ve put together. I thoroughly research and am very thoughtful and meditative about what herbs go into each blend. I believe these steam can help bring healing, comfort, and relief. Watch the video below to learn more!
How Much Water is Necessary in Pregnancy?
?W A T E R?
I thought it important to discuss the crucial benefits of drinking enough water in pregnancy, postpartum care and breastfeeding. If you go to my stories above, you’ll see I’ve posted some information about how to get enough water in daily. I share how to make it easier and tastier.
Our bodies are made up of 70% water. Water is the internal fluid that helps to keep many of the bodily functions maintained, balanced and working properly. Without it, we could not survive. When making sure you get the daily needed intake, your pregnant or breastfeeding body can then function at a more optimal level.
The recommended water intake for a non pregnant woman is about a quart a day. Though I’m convinced we need more than is recommended. A pregnant woman needs double the amount in relation to a non pregnant woman. Two quarts of water a day or more for a pregnant or postpartum mama is ideal for many reasons.
In pregnancy:
- Water is needed to help form and maintain balanced amniotic fluid levels.
- Water increases the blood plasma volume
- Water helps in the production of breast milk
- Water helps alleviate constipation and bloating
- Water aids in preventing certain infections specifically UTI’s which are very common in pregnancy.
- Water eliminates symptoms of dehydration such as headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps and, most importantly the dreaded edema or swelling of the face, hands, ankles and feet. Dehydration in late pregnancy can also cause preterm labor.
- Water can help suppress morning sickness especially when drank in between meals.
In postpartum:
- Water is necessary in balancing proper breastmilk production. Making sure you drink enough water then helps in making sure you have enough breastmilk.
- Water rehydrates after exercise. Most mamas are trying to get back to their pre-pregnant weight. Exercise is a great way to do that. If you are exercising regularly and breastfeeding, water is a MUST to maintain proper health.
- Drinking plenty of water helps the whole body function optimally. When the whole body is functioning at its best, all the systems of the body, specifically the endocrine system (the system that produces hormones) stimulate homeostasis.
I recommend purchasing a large water bottle, with a handle, that you can carry around with you everyday. I like to put a couple tea bags of my favorite tea to give the water a little flavor, and nutrients, which make it tastier and easier to drink. These are just a few of the ways water is highly beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum care. Make sure your taking action to get enough water into your daily life!
Poem for Mothers
• M O T H E R •
Take a moment and look at each of the faces in this picture.
The baby C R Y I N G!
The second youngest
by something in the water.
The oldest, E Y E S • C L O S E D
in the cuddles of his mother and
N E W • B A B Y.
Mother looking down, S M I L I N G!
This is
M O T H E R H O O D.
At its finest. In all it’s
G L O R Y and H O N O R!
Oh, sweet mama........
B E A U T Y follows you.
G R A C E walks beside you.
C H A O S surrounds you and you still find
J O Y in the
S I M P L E moments.
B R E A T H E • D E E P
You are a G L O R I O U S creature and the
W O R L D S heartbeat keeps in time because of
Y O U!
PC: lovely Liz Franco Photography
Asian Woman Gives Birth in Public Market
I'm always amazed at societies ability to be shocked at the ease of birth. The story below is a great example of this. As a woman is out shopping, her water breaks and she almost immediately gives birth, right then and there. If you go to the link below, you'll see images and read more about how the events unfolded.
I truly love stories like this as they point to a powerful truth that most woman don't understand. Birth is actually easy, not hard, awful, horribly painful or any other harsh word we can label it. I'm not saying it might not be the most intense, overwhelming undertaking you participate in. I believe if you prepare your mind, body and spirit for the experience, it can be a deeply transformative, blissful, life altering one.
I know this because I have experienced it myself. And witnessed many woman create similar for themselves. It's a very sacred, intimate thing to watch a woman fully take responsibility of her pregnancy and birth environment. Its no small feat. It takes lots of education and support. She has to be willing to ask for help and take the needed time to read books, seek online resources, take classes, find the proper care provider, pray and meditate on what her pregnancy and birth will call for.
The best part of the whole story above is that this woman turned down going to the hospital. Not only that, she proceeded to walk herself and her baby back home. It's that simple folks. You know those stories you hear about the woman giving birth in the rice fields and then going back to picking rice, that is a reality. Woman are much stronger than they actually thin they are.
The coolest part about our world right now is that people can post stuff on You Tube. So we have TONS of videos of beautiful birth videos we can pull up and watch at any given moment. More importantly, we have woman birthing their babies in their cars on the drive to the hospital. I appreciate this is not the outcome they may have been hoping for or ideal in any way. What I do know, is it still shows how easy birthing our children can actually be. When we take away the stress and fear while creating the proper set and setting, you've provided yourself an opportunity like non other you'll ever have. Birth is a deeply soulful, spiritual experience, and just like our weddings or any other grand event in our lives we spend hours, days, weeks and months planning for it. I'm convinced the more time and effort we put into this endeavor, the more likely it will encompass almost exactly what we want.
The video below is a wonderful example of another situation where a mother, completely on her own as Dad is driving, was somehow able to birth and catch her own baby. Of course, we don't have the ideal set and setting but what we do see is her doing AMAZING right before the birth of her baby. She's relatively calm and taking control of her contractions in an effective way. Then she pushes. (which is obviously intense) and a 10 lb. baby is born. Many woman end up in unnecessary c sections with 10 lb babies but this woman was able to do such a glorious job of getting baby here and all went well.
I know that complications can happen at birth. I recognize there are those times and places when we definitely need to be cautious and careful and make sure we have the proper care for our birth. This is where OBGYN's do a fantastic job of caring for our high risk mamas and babies. Statistically only about 6-8% of woman are considered high risk according to UCSF Medical Center. That's a small number when we consider how many woman seek OBGYN's as their care providers. Low risk, healthy woman are in need of a care provider who does understand normal, natural childbirth and can provide the proper set and setting to create an easy, uncomplicated birth.
I show these videos with the hopes that woman will have faith in themselves, their bodies and their babies. That caring for themselves through proper nutrition, lowering their stress levels while striving to stay in a peaceable place and removing fears and phobias you have surrounding birth can give you the best bet to creating the ideal birth for you.
I have faith in mamas and babies and families. I have faith they can educate themselves as needed to find the needed answers to love their pregnancies and births and postpartum experiences. I pray all our families can carry this faith as well.
In peace,
Placenta Discussion on "The Place" with Fox 13
Fox 13 News contacted me a couple weeks ago for an interview about my placenta encapsulation! I’ve been so excited waiting for this to air this evening. Yesterday, they contacted me again requesting a short discussion on the day show called “The Place.” Of course, I said yes and had a wonderful time sharing some information about what I do and why I do it. Here’s the link below.
Say NO To Vitamin K Shot~Say YES To EATING GREENS!
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You can read more about spinach by clicking HERE!
Skip that Newborn Vitamin K Shot
One of the very first things on a doctor or midwife’s to do list after the birth of your baby is an injection of vitamin K. The purpose of this shot is to assist the newborn with blood clotting capabilities in order to prevent the very rare and slow problem of bleeding into the brain in the weeks after birth (risk in about one in every 10,000 live births). The shot also is a supposed safeguard in case your car is involved in a car wreck on the way home from the hospital or birthing center with newborn in tow. Even a mild injury to a newborn could be life threatening if blood clotting capability is not adequate.
If you click on the header to each article, it will take you directly to the website I pulled the information from. I LOVE Catherine's website (below)and think it has a WORLD of WONDERFUL birth information. :)
Newborn Vitamin K Injections
What is it?
In the United States, the practice of newborn vitamin k injections has become almost universal. However, this routine newborn procedure is controversial in other nations. It originated during the hospital age of routine separation of mothers from their babies, before rooming-in was an accepted practice.
Why is this done?
The rationale for newborn vitamin K injection at birth is that newborns are born with a "deficiency" of vitamin K. This perceived deficiency is based upon a comparison of newborn levels to normal adult values. Low levels of vitamin k can lead to decreased clotting ability of the blood, that can leave the newborn more susceptible to hemorrhage. The risk is quite small, only about 1 in 200, but it does exist. The following factors increase risk of hemorrhage in newborns:
Risk Factors for Cerebral Hemorrhage
- Precipitous Labor
- Prolonged Labor
- Significant Fetal Head Molding
- Birth Trauma
- Forceps Delivery
- Vacuum Extraction
- Variable Heart Decelerations in Late Labor
- Circumcision
Points to Ponder on Routine Injection
While newborn vitamin K injection may sound like an acceptable intervention, there are several points to ponder, foremost of which is that all infants are born with a low level of vitamin k. Thus, it raises the question of whether the low newborn concentration of vitamin k should in fact be termed a deficiency. Additional concerns include:
- The amount of Vit K injected is 20,000 times the newborn level at birth. The dose size given is based upon normal adult values. Additionally, the injection may also contain preservatives which are known toxins to the infant.
- Large doses of Vit K are a cause of jaundice in the newborn. A cure for one perceived ailment then becomes the cause of another.
- Colostrum, which precedes breastmilk, is rich in Vit K. Thus, an infant who is breastfed immediately at birth will receive a natural source of Vit K, in most cases significantly raising the Vit K level.
- Vit K is absorbed by the gut from foods we eat. However, the injection is an intramuscular one, which bypasses the gut and delivers the Vit K in a way the body wasn't designed to receive.
- Birth is an overwhelming sensory experience for the baby - it has never before been cold, hungry, been blinded by light, felt the touch of cloth or the pull of gravity. Sticking a needle into its body and inflicting pain isn't a gentle way to allow the sensory system to gradually adjust to the outside world.
- Subconsciously, it sends the message that nature is inadequate, that medical interventions are are necessary to save us from ourselves.
Simple Solutions
1. Minimize interventions and the use of pain medications to reduce the risk of intercranial bleeding.
Interventions such as epidural anethesia, iv narcotics, internal fetal monitoring, induction, and operative delivery including forceps and vacuum extraction (ventouse) put the baby at greater risk of developing bruising and intercranial hemorrhage during or shortly after birth. Planning a low intervention birth limits risks to the baby and mother by reducing risks associated with these interventions.
1. Consider requesting an oral dose rather than an injection.
This eliminates the overdose and lessens the risk of hemorrhage and jaundice, as well as the pain of the injection and exposure to harmful preservatives. Also, the Vit K is absorbed through the gut, as it was intended to be. While this may seem like an easy solution, be sure to discuss this option first with your care provider. Since hospitals are accustomed to standard operating procedure, it can be difficult for them to correctly determine the oral dosage for your infant.
Some hospital pharmacies may not stock oral Vitamin K. In this situation, you may wish to refuse the injection and administer the oral dose yourself. Oral vitamin K can be purchased online here and this is an oral dosing protocol you may wish to follow.
2. Nurse immediately after the birth with no supplementation given.
3. During the last few weeks of pregnancy, load your diet with foods rich in Vit K.
While this hasn't been shown to improve newborn vitamin K levels, it has been shown to increase the amount of Vit K in breastmilk.
By following these simple solutions, you can receive the benefits of an accurate newborn vitamin K dose while avoiding all the negatives of an injection.
Puckett RM, Offringa M. Prophylactic vitamin K for vitamin K deficiency bleeding in neonates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2000, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD002776. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002776.
Hey, E. Vitamin K--what, why, and when. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2003 Mar;88(2):F80-3.
Vitamin K prophylaxis to prevent neonatal vitamin K deficient intracranial haemorrhage in Shizuoka prefecture. Nishiguchi T, Saga K, Sumimoto K, Okada K, Terao T Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1996 Nov;103(11):1078-1084.
Plasma concentrations after oral or intramuscular vitamin K1 in neonates. McNinch AW, Upton C, Samuels M, Shearer MJ, McCarthy P, Tripp JH, L'E Orme R. Arch Dis Child. 1985 Sep;60(9):814-8.
[Effect of oral and intramuscular vitamin K on the factors II, VII, IX, X, and PIVKA II in the infant newborn under 60 days of age] [Article in Spanish] Arteaga-Vizcaino M, Espinoza Holguin M, Torres Guerra E, Diez-Ewald M, Quintero J, Vizcaino G, Estevez J, Fernandez N. Rev Med Chil. 2001 Oct;129(10):1121-9.
Delayed cord clamping in very preterm infants reduces the incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage and late-onset sepsis: a randomized, controlled trial. Mercer JS, Vohr BR, McGrath MM, Padbury JF, Wallach M, Oh W. Pediatrics. 2006 Apr;117(4):1235-42.
[Vitamin K 1 concentration and vitamin K-dependent clotting factors in newborn infants after intramuscular and oral administration of vitamin K 1] [Article in Hungarian] Goldschmidt B, Kisrakoi C, Teglas E, Verbenyi M, Kovacs I. Orv Hetil. 1990 Jun 17;131(24):1297-300.
Vitamin K - An Alternative Perspective. Midwife Sara Wickham provides a much-needed update on vitamin K prophylaxis. AIMS Journal, Summer 2001, Vol 13 No 2
The Dark Side of the Vitamin K Shot
Fom the trauma inflicted on a newborn of getting the shot, the amount of Vitamin K injected into newborns is 20,000 times the needed dose. The injection also contains a preservative, Benzyl alcohol, that can be especially toxic on your baby’s delicate, young immune system.
A parent has to keep asking themselves, ‘Is this procedure really necessary?’ The answer is typically no. Natural health awareness requires a paradigm shift away from the limits of western medicine, a re-education toward self sufficiency. Trusting in nature’s storehouse of resources, understanding the proportional requirements which best serve the body; the learning curve toward such know-how takes a lot more convincing, especially given mainstream Industry propaganda.
‘Babies who have been identified as being at risk for vitamin K deficiency include those born to mothers who took drugs or antibiotics during pregnancy, premature babies and babies who are born cesarean. Mothers who had maternity diets low in high vitamin K foods or had diets that were low in fat have also been identified as being more likely to bear vitamin K deficient babies.’
I’ve encountered parents who claim their children are vaccine-free but for the Vitamin K shot. Such is another clear misconception parents have to begin addressing. This shot has its own inherent risks which place it in a similar category to all other early shots given to babies. Just say, “No thank you!”
Try to always find the optimal organic source which contains the given Vitamin in it’s natural form, and ensure that it is pure, without derivatives or chemical and/or synthetic additives. As an example Kale contains the optimal balance of Vitamins A, C, E & K – a powerhouse of antioxidants. In the case of your baby you can puree the vegetable enough to ensure it is palatable. If you have no alternative then choose a supplement that is proven to be 100% natural & organic; but again natural is superior.
Additionally the mother’s placenta & breast milk (Colostrum) are inextricably linked, providing a baby’s primary initial source of nourishment through the long journey of formation in utero; while supplying the basic building blocks of life necessary to guarantee a safe transition into early childhood development. Mothers to be are advised to store up on phytonutrients while your baby is in utero. Continue nourishing the immune system especially during the 1st year after your child is born. Remember mothers, you share the same immunity with your baby during the in the utero phase!
Phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA and cell membranes. Recent research indicates that the phytonutrients in vegetables like kale work at a much deeper level, signaling our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process by which the body eliminates harmful compounds.
Kale is a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which have been shown to reduce the risk of many cancers, especially one of the most deadly forms, colon cancer; due to their unique role in blocking the growth of cancer cells and inducing cancer cell death (apoptosis). Organosulfur compounds known as glucosinolates are present in the cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica genus. These compounds are broken down into potent anticancer compounds called isothiocyanates in the body, which are powerful inducers of cancer-destroying enzymes & inhibitors of carcinogenesis.
‘The body does not readily utilise synthetic vitamins and minerals. The vitamin K administered by hospitals to newborns is the synthetic phytonadione. The natural forms of vitamin K that are found in many foods, particularly in vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts and salad greens, are a different form – they are called phylloquinone or menaquinone. Certain bacteria in the intestinal tract also produce menaquinones.
Apart from its synthetic nature, it is based on plant Vitamin K and injected. The body utilises vitamins and minerals that are found in plants and creates the human form it needs, but this is after they go through the digestion process, which obviously does not occur with injections.’
“The Vitamin K shot has been linked to leukaemia, including acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which is characterized by an increased number of white corpuscles in the blood, and accounts for about 85 percent of childhood leukaemia. Research carried out by Dr. Louise Parker, of the Sir James Spence Institute of Child Health in Newcastle upon Tyne, produced the most startling results. Dr. Louise Parker was quoted in the British Medical Journal in 1998 as stating, “It is not possible, on the basis of currently published evidence, to refute the suggestion that neonatal IM vitamin K administration increases the risk of early childhood leukemia.”
Vitamin K Vaccine: Package Insert –
AquaMEPHYTON injection is a yellow, sterile, aqueous colloidal solution of vitamin K1, with a pH of 5.0 to 7.0, available for injection by the intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes. Each milliliter contains:
Phytonadione: 2 mg or 10 mg
Inactive ingredients:
Polyoxyethylated fatty acid derivative : 70 mg
Dextrose: 37.5 mg
Water for Injection, q.s: 1 mL
Added as preservative: Benzyl alcohol: 0.9%
‘Benzyl alcohol is used as a preservative. The problem with this compound is that young children cannot metabolise benzyl alcohol into hippuric acid using benzoic acid, which can result in an accumulation of chiefly benzoic acid. The side effects that have been described as a result of this substance accumulating in the central nervous system include metabolic acidosis, vasodilation, paralysis, epileptic seizures, respiratory depression and death.’
The European Directive “Excipients in the Label and Package leaflet of Medicinal Products for Human Use”, states the following with respect to the parenteral use of benzyl alcohol:
Exposure to less than 90 mg/kg/day:
“Must not be given to premature babies or neonates. May cause toxic reactions and allergic reactions in infants and children up to 3 years old.”
Exposure to more than 90 mg/kg/day:
“Must not be given to premature babies or neonates. due to the risk of fatal toxic reactions arising from exposure to benzyl alcohol in excess of 90 mg/kg/day, this product should not be used in infants and children up to 3 years old.”
Dr. Cees Vermeer PhD interviewed by Dr. Joseph Mercola
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Birth is From Her, For Her, By Her
It is true that our delicate hormonal balance, our psychological/emotional body, our spiritual/soulful body and our physical are playing a beautiful dance in birthing your child.
I love what she says above..."....,it is from her, for her, by her."
The hormone production is apparent with the large amounts of oxytocin (love hormone), endorphin, adrenaline, etc. production. They work harmoniously & release exactly when needed. Our spiritual selves recognize we know how to do this.
Our physical bodies are designed to do this & subconsciously repeat the mantra "We can do this. We are doing this." The interactions of the hormones, emotions & psychological aspects of birth are so deeply intertwined it's impossible to complete dissect each one to know it's part in the experience. Woman cry, yell out, sit still, feel peace, feel anger.... a wide range of emotional/psychological experience is taking place.
When properly cared for the physical body stays strong & powerful specifically when it might feel too hard or that she can't go on. There is this glorious moment in the labor process when a woman fully recognizes she alone is the one bringing her child into the world. That moment is at its peak usually in transition or beginning of the pushing phase. You tend to see the greatest intensity of this moment in first time moms. Until that moment, it seems a part of them believes all the people involved are bringing her baby earth side. Once that moment is fully processed, believed & understood, the phrase "I am woman hear me roar" has a whole new meaning. Another space in birth time I relish in as long as possible.
Leave Birth Alone
I know this quote can sound maybe a little harsh. Unfortunately, in my eyes, it is the truth. As long as we think birth is here to work merely around the care provider, we are on the same course we have been headed down for the last 50 years. Example: 32% c section rate nationwide and lots of complications caused by interventions which I won't delve into here. Since medical personnel have decided they need to control, manipulate, force or actually work against birth in whatever manner suits them or their schedules, birth has wrought against itself as mothers struggle to make their voices heard or take needed actions for positive change.
Birth can be exciting, rewarding, joyful, empowering, trans formative, etc....the list could go on. There are so many wonderful things birth can be and is for many woman and families. If the set and setting of birth is presented and conditioned on those who are NOT the laboring woman, the experience follows suit such as being discouraging, depressing, dis empowering, overwhelming, awful, horrible....the list goes on as well. With the outcome stated above, the care provider is, most likely, telling her exactly what to do and when to do it. I struggle to imagine so many of our natural body functions happening in this manner.
Think of using the restroom. This may be a crass example but birth truly can be no different. Imagine if someone entered the room each time and told you exactly how to do it. Or let you know how wrong you might be doing it. Or told you its too hard you can't do it and that you'll need some type of "help" to actually do it right. Its appalling to think about.
What about the act of making love. I'm now talking about the VERY act that creates the child in the first place. Think about it. Someone comes in from the very beginning. Explaining to you how to do it. Informing you of positions or ways that might be easier or better. Or they let you know its just too hard and really any pleasure you might receive from it isn't going to happen anyway so you might as well just get into a certain position, utilize drugs, etc. I could go on with the ridiculousness of this scenario.
Birth is a sacred, rite of passage that must happen by the woman and for her and her baby. She has been gifted with all the needed know how to be a part of and experience the act of birth similar to each of the examples I stated above. Low and behold, a woman doesn't really need someone telling her exactly how and when to give birth. What she really does need is education and support to guide and mentor her on the path to what her body already knows how to naturally, effectively and safely do.
If you are a medical care provider and you are reading this, please don't be offended by what I say. I recognize there is a time and a place for medical assistance in our birth world and HALLELUJAH that you are there to help. My personal research says that is much less than we think it is. My research also says that the less we manipulate, control and force birth with the use of medical interventions, especially on a low, risk healthy woman, the more likely her body will do EXACTLY what it already knows how to perfectly do.
Those care providers who are learning to understand the concept that when it comes to birth less is more, please keep practicing and applying this idea. I promise you'll gain a renewed faith in woman and inherently birth itself. There are those times and places where pro activity is vital for the safety of Mom and baby though my experience and research says those cases are few and far between.
As Karen Strange says in her NRP course, all care providers should know what normal, natural childbirth looks like to better understand what is a variation of normal or an actual complication. Once you understand this completely, I believe you can move forward taking whatever measures might be needed, if any, and creating the blissful birth experience for all your clients to the best of your ability.
Ideal Birthing Positions
It is very unfortunate that we think a birthing woman should only be on her back to deliver her child.
This is the WORST position a woman can be in as it works against gravity. The effort of pushing is already intense. This makes this potentially overwhelming job much harder, longer and stimulates frustration for mother and care providers. That frustration and longer time frame, which usually causes fear for all involved, can then have the unwanted outcome of a c-section.
Lying down puts pressure and strain on the sacrum which can cause damage, bruising or pain after delivery. Sometime for months on end. This is called symphysis pubic dysfunction. That trauma can complicate future pregnancies with the weight of baby making carrying your baby quite uncomfortable or consistently painful.
In the lithotomy position, pressure added by a woman's legs being held back firmly and powerfully can result in excruciating postpartum Supra-pubic pain, difficulty walking where crutches or wheelchair use is required. Bladder dysfunction is a complication as well though more rare.
Ideal birth positions make all the difference in the safety of the perineum and pelvic floor. They allow the sacrum and coccyx the freedom to rotate fully and the rest of the pelvis to open while keeping contractions strong and close together.
Ideal birth positions are:
Hands and Knees
Sitting Positions
Upright or Standing
And my FAVORITE: Squatting
Choose a birthing positions that best supports the quality of your contractions while enhancing your ability to push. Education and support! It's all you need to create the IDEAL birth for you!