Today has been a VERY good day! I was awakened this morning about 6 by a friend who thought she might be in labor but wasn’t sure. This is her first experience with a homebirth and I think she is a bit nervous. Her previous experience was a induced hospital birth. She is not sure what to expect. I don’t blame her. She has yet to call me to let me know she is in labor so I will keep you posted!
Then I meditated for about an hour and read some BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING scriptures. I exercised, then sunbathed which, as everyone knows, I absolutely LOVE! I did some more FUN processing yesterday morning but then was jerked back into the real world of motherhood and wifehood, so I stopped until the next time comes along.
You know…I have been thinking about this blogging thing and wondering if it really exciting to anyone. I am thinking my life is a bit boring. With that being the case, I decided I will try it out for awhile and just see how it goes.
I must say that the spiritual changes that have taken place within me, I find are helping my children move through their “stuff.” My oldest son Dean seems not happy with his life, as of late. Yesterday he cut his foot on a piece of glass. This morning, in a round about sort of way, he stated that he was sad that I hadn’t really taken care of his foot. He ened up feeling that he had to ask Papa to do it. The really cool part about that was that I noticed he was taking responsibility for his feelings and feeling safe enough to express them to me. Something in the past that hasn’t frequently taken place. We already had a candle lit and so we proceeded to say a prayer and let go of some REALLY deep stuff he had been carrying. He is an AMAZING healer and doesn’t quite recognize it yet. He loves EVERYTHING so much that he walks around being willing to “take on” everyone else’s crap. He will carry their pain for them. Of course, in return, he just feels pain and sorrow and then has a hard time really letting it go. I was SO PROUD of him this morning. He felt TONS better when we were done. He was grateful for the experience and LOVE abounded between us both. Isn’t CHARITY such an AWESOME gift? WOW!!
My daugter had a similar experience where when Chris and I need to leave, she has felt very saddened by this. I feel that because she sees us taking our pain and sorrow to the Lord, she knew that she could do the same and find comfort and peace. We quickly grabbed the candle and she led the way to letting the love of the Savior in and accepting his healing for her. Again, an eye opening lesson for me. I have found I shouldn’t worry myself, to the extent that I do, about my children and their emotional and spiritual well being. As I work on myself and getting me to a space of healing and health, they tend to follow suit and see the fruits of my and their labors.
So…I thought I would share that wonderful experience so that others would understand that when we (as parents and guardians) take responsibility and become present and conscious in our lives, it gives our children the needed safety net to be able to do it themselves too!! I have been learning this since Chris and I have been working on our stuff and really trying to follow what we call The Red Path. The Red Path is a Native American term that basically means becoming aware of ourselves and how we effect others in the world around us. When this happens, we then take responsibility for those actions and ask the Savior for needed help to understand ourselves and others. When we have a spouse and loved one to share this path with, we have a greater opportunity to really be honest and look at ourselves and the changes we need to make to stand once again in the light of our God. I just LOVE it!! David has actually written a book about this and hopefully soon my brother will post the pictures of it. If there is anyone who might be interested in purchasing the book, please don’t hesitate to contact me and we will figure out a way to get it to you!
Let see, what else? Oh, I was thinking again about the juicing and food ideas I had discussed earlier and I have switched gears, once again. The night of the watermelon I chose to eat some green soup. I ate about 3 cups and LOVED it. So now, I am doing smoothies, soups and very soft sweet fruits. I basically eat the same thing everyday so I was trying to decide how interesting it would be for me to post what I eat everyday. I would love to get some responses about this just to get an idea if others really want to know.
I feel GREAT!! I am still doing juices too! But I am not doing fat or salt and eating lots of blended and juiced foods. I have found that my bowels, of course, are working AMAZINGLY, as they have in the past. I have had TONS of energy today. Yesterday I know I was cleansing some because I awoke feeling very emotional on top of feeling very tired in the early afternoon. But by that evening, I was again feeling great. For right now, I will go ahead and post the foods I am eating and see if it is really all that exciting.
Yesterday I ate:
I always drink water first thing in the morning. I usually don’t even eat anything until noon or later.
1/2 of a watermelon
2 cups of grapefruit juice mixed with green powder
1 quart of banana/celery/prunes smoothie
1 quart + 2 cups spinach/celery/red bell pepper/grapefruit/sea lettuce/peas green soup. YUM!!
2 cups grapefruit juice mixed with green powder.
Today I have had:
Lots of watermelon
1 quart grapefruit juice with green powder
I will now make and probably drink 1 quart of banana/blueberries/blackberries/raspberries smoothies
Then for dinner probably the same green soup. If I eat something different, I will let you know.
There ya go!! I hope everyone has as good of a day as I have had. Peace and health to all, Rachel
Blogging is very therapeutic. I can never decide if it’s more helpful for the writer or the reader, but it’s really lovely to have a window into someone else’s life. It helps us realize how human we all are, and how much we need to love and accept each other.
I say keep up the good work! I think you’re sharing some very valuable insights and feelings.
Thanks Marie. I love your blog too! I read it everyday. Loveya, Rachel