20 Spectacular Birth Images Win 2017 Contest

The wonderful website, Birth Becomes Her, put together by 2 lovely woman present pregnancy, birth and postpartum…

Say NO To Vitamin K Shot~Say YES To EATING GREENS!

I'm not a fan, in the least, of any of the newborn testing or screening that is done. Especially when its done right…

Choosing the Right Care Provider

What does that mean? If you are a healthy, low risk woman, WHY are you going to a high risk doctor for…

The Emily Effect-Postpartum Depression

https://youtu.be/0xQexfBQ8Vs If you haven't heard about this, you need to! It's beyond heartbreaking! You can read the…

An Unnecessary Cut-3 Solutions to Support a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)

You can find the link to the article and video by clicking below: An Unnecessary Cut Let’s talk about c-sections.…

Early Cord Clamping- It’s Illogical and Irrational: Here’s Why

img Delayed cord clamping.  This subject seems to be on the up and up lately.  I think it's really…

Pitocin- The Pitfalls

img Let's talk about pitocin for a bit here.  Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin.  Oxytocin is the…

Healing Fears Women Have With Childbirth

I wanted to discuss the article called "Top Fears Women Have With Childbirth" and put my 2 bits into it.  I…

Spontaneous Creation: 101 Reasons NOT To Have Your Baby In A Hospital

I wanted to share with you an EXCELLENT book which discusses the in and outs of childbirth and WHY choosing to have…

Know the Signs & Ways to Avoid a C-Section

img So....I have passionate feelings about our current c-section rate which seems to be holding strong at 32%.…

Props For All The Midwives

Excellent video on the benefits of midwives!  Its unfortunate where we are nation wide when it comes to midwifery…

Study Shows Premature Babies Feel Pain From Procedures

So babies do feel!  And they don't have to be premature to do so! Again, a common theme I talk about OVER and OVER…

The Statistical Safety Of Homebirth

If there is a better way to give birth,  then why aren't ALL of the birth professionals across our nation working…

To Give You YOUR Placenta Or To Keep It-That Is the Question?

Holy COW, my friends!  It has been a LONG time since I have posted.  WOW!  Summer is FLYING…

For The LOVE Of Agnes Gereb

My dear followers, (which are few but I LOVE you all)I'm so sorry I haven't been posting this week.  I come from a…