Since I ABSOLUTELY LOVE essential oils and have used them for many years now, I thought it’d be FUN to post this little video on doTERRA essential oils. Essentials oils can truly be used for almost ANY ailment and tend to work BETTER and FASTER than over the counter medications. We have used essential oils for everything for cuts, scrapes and bruises….to high fevers or severe cold and flu symptoms.
Along with the immediate relief you find, the vast majority of essential oils have antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. So not only are they aiding to alleviate systems, they also help the body HEAL naturally. They enter the system either through inhalation, digestion, or placing them directly on the skin. All 3 ways can effectively combat the issues your dealing with on a wide variety of levels.
I want to add that throughout my 12 years of essential oil use, I have yet to find a line of essential oils as pure and efficient as doTERRA’s essential oils line. Feel free to go directly to my personal doTERRA website to find out more. You can also click on the essential oil icon on my website side bar. You can sign up on my doTERRA page to receive weekly emails that inform you on the uses and benefits of essential oils.
I believe educating yourself on natural healing and taking responsibility for you health and well being truly is one of the first steps to overall happiness and vitality!
In peace,