Can you believe I am already posting again? I don’t have too much exciting to tell about. I still haven’t taken more picture either. We are still in the process of trying to get settled and finish some last minute items around that house. We also haven’t removed everything from our old house, most importantly for me, our front door. I LOVE the door we bought to put on it and Chris has told me he will swap the two so I can still look at my BEAUTIFUL front door.

I can’t remember if I have already posted this song. I am planning on making a CD for my birth. I am looking for songs that are relaxing & peaceful but I am also wanting songs that help me to own my sexuality. My belief is that the same energy that creates the sweet little spirit is the same energy that aids in releasing the babe into this sphere. Here is one of those songs for me. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Ray’s music. I feel passionate, alive, and inspired when I listen to it!!

I am also wanting a CD of the songs of humpback whales. I feel so peaceful and serene when I listen to their songs. At the birth of my daughter, I had this little contraption that played all kinds of different sounds like birds, bugs, heartbeat and so on. Well, one of the sounds was a rainstorm. It made all the difference in the world to me because rainstorms bring peace to my heart and complete relaxation. Here’s a video with just the songs of the whales and then another one put to music. SO WONDERFUL!!

Plus, for those who don’t know all of my babies were born at home with 2 so far being born under water. I am planning another water birth. The ONLY way to have a baby, IMHO! You can learn more about water birth on the Birth Into Being site or site. I recommend you read all you can about it and the benefits thereof.

It was interesting because someone just sent an email to one of the groups I am part of forwarding you to a woman’s blog who has a personal vendetta against homebirth and anything that might come along with it. I found the article to be quite hysterical. I had a good laugh about it. Her comments and information were certainly skewed and misinformed. From my personal experience and the experience of watching others deliver their babies in water, has only been MAGNIFICENT and BENEFICIAL in all ways for mother and baby. It has aiding and uplifted both mom and baby in so a large number of ways that all you would have to do is watch it and you would learn quickly from your own experience what it can and does do for all parties involved.

So….I now have only about 3 weeks to go. Chris thinks I might go early. I don’t think so. But….I am REALLY excited for my Full Moon Celebration and Native American Blessingway that will be taking place next Wednesday evening. It should be AMAZING! I will hopefully find someone to take pictures and then post some info about how it goes here on the ol’ blog. It will be all woman and we will be, of course, celebrating birth and womanhood in so many different forms.

I think that will be all for now. I am excited to post about the cloth diapers and such I am using. Kara, my very good friend, is a cloth diaper EXPERT and she was kind enough to take pity on me and help me know what and how to use them. I will post sites and such that have helped me. This way I will be able to post again sooner because I will have something new to post about. STAY TUNED!!

Abundant peace to all,