January 23, 2013
Know the Signs & Ways to Avoid a C-Section
img So....I have passionate feelings about our current c-section rate which seems to be holding strong at 32%.…
April 23, 2012
I have several women attend my LivingMom childbirth course who are planning a hospital birth. I felt the…
April 13, 2012
Mom Catches Her Own Baby During Cesarean Delivery
Cesarean sections are the MOST common surgery performed in the world. There does seem to be quite a bit…
April 10, 2012
National Rally for Change in Birth
This looks WONDERFUL! You can read more about what is happening to create this rally at Improving Birth.org I…
March 21, 2012
The Most Scientific Birth Is Often the Least Technological Birth
By Alice Dreger Mar 20 2012, 8:06 AM ET If you look at scientific literature,…
January 8, 2009
Repeat C~Sections Increase Risks
So aside from the fact that C-sections are ever increasing at more phenomenal rates than ever before....along side it…
December 26, 2008
This is just to go along with the post below. Some more stastical information which is always a good thing, I think~…
December 26, 2008
Orgasmic vs. Induced…You Choose!
Here is a trailer of a new website have been scouring over for the past several months. ORGASMIC BIRTH. What a GREAT…
November 27, 2008
What the *@#*%?
My gagging reflex is so out of control after reading this article, I can't even type my feelings about it! I will type…