I though this was a very interesting video on how to help alleviate colic. Gotta be honest here…Sure wish I would of known this with my babies. I only had a couple colicy babies but I was ALWAYS looking for answers on how to help them. I can feel SO overwhelming when you feel your baby could be in pain and you feel at a loss as to how to help them. I do have my herbal remedies that can do the trick but imagine if we knew the technique below and could try it to see if it made a difference.
Since we’re on the subject of colic, one of my FAVORITE herbal remedies for it is a combination of doTERRA fennel and digestZen essential oils. By adding these oils to a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and then just rubbing the oils directly babies belly can really help to lift any discomfort your baby might be having. I have suggested this remedy to many of my clients who had found AMAZING results.
Below is a little description about both oils and their benefits. If your interested in purchasing these oils or even understanding and learning more about essential oils, you can go directly to my doTERRA webpage. Be sure to sign up to receive the free essential oil ebook offered on my site.
Fennel (Sweet)
Used for centuries for its many health benefits, Fennel essential oil has pronounced antioxidant properties and is considered a tonic. It is often used to relieve indigestion (supporting the healthy functions of the stomach), to aid in any kind of digestive issue and to support improvements to the lymphatic system. Fennel’s sweet yet spicy aroma is balancing and has familiar licorice notes.
Digestive Blend
Digestive Blend
Many essential oils have been recognized through research as powerful agents to help restore normal balance in the digestive system. DigestZen® takes advantage of these well-established therapeutic compounds in a proprietary blend of pure essential oils. Ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander and anise each have specific attributes which add to the overall efficacy of this potent blend. When used internally, dōTERRA®’s DigestZen brings soothing digestive relief. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.
Another of my favorite herbal remedies for colic is an herbal combination called Kid-E-Col. I heard about this tincture years ago after my 2nd son was born. We have used it in our house ever since. It truly does work WONDERS! And you only need a few drops for it to work quickly and effectively.
I’ll be honest here….I’m not a huge fan of glycerine but I do believe an alcohol tincture can be too toxic for infants. Just 5-10 drops is more than enough to find immediate results. Like it says in the description below, this tincture can be used for so much more than just colic.
Description: Mother’s favorite formula for her new born baby. This formula is time tested and a blessing for infants. A great combination for colic, teething pain, flatulence, spasms, etc. In a pure base of vegetable glycerine, with natural anise flavor. Ingredients: Catnip & Fennel Seed. Ailments traditionally used for: Allergies & Sensitivities, Vomiting, Sensitivities & Allergies, Colic, Flatulence, Gas (Stomach), Teething Directions: Shake well. For colic take 10-15 drops three times a day or every hour as needed. For teething rub 3-4 drops on the gums.
Lastly, I believe making sure YOU have LOADS of microflora or good bacteria in your own digestive track is extremely IMPORTANT to be able to pass all that WONDERFUL bacteria on to your baby. I will post more about what microflora or good bacteria really is and why its important to aid in colic reduction and overall good digestive health. So check back next week where I’ll discuss potential food allergies that can be causing colic in your newborn, along with what foods Mom can ingest to help alleviate colic.
Have a SUPER GROOVY weekend!
In Peace,
I’ve used both Kid-e-col and an essential oil digestive blend for my colicky babies and both worked VERY well!! I wish I had known about the diapering techniques back then.
I know, Tandi. I wish I knew it was well but am excited to try it with my future baby! 🙂