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Delayed cord clamping. This subject seems to be on the up and up lately. I think it’s really good that it is. I believe delayed cord clamping can truly give needed oxygen and nutrients that baby might not get from cutting the cord before pulsation stops.
Early cord clamping has no justifiable bases. No rationale. But most hospital struggle with rationale, in any regard, when it comes to birth. As the article below states, Dr. Jose Tolosa and colleagues write, “Although without clear benefit and no rationale to support it, early cord clamping remains the most common practice among obstetricians and midwives in the western hemisphere” (Tolosa et al. 2010).
I still remember right after my sister delivered her daughter, Regan, that Regan was screaming so hard, that is was painful to listen to. She has been lying in the warmer so I proceeded to walk over to pick her up and wrap her with the hopes of calming her down. As I approached Regan to get her, the nurse gave me the dirtiest look and started to question why I would even think it was ok for me to pick up the baby.
I went on to state that Regan was screaming so loudly it was painful for us and her. I stated that if I could wrap her up and give her to Mom, everyone in the room would be happy. Most importantly, the baby. The nurse went on to tell me that the baby had to reach a certain body temperature before I was able to take her out of the warmer. I argued the point that if I just was able to take the baby out of the warmer and wrap her in a blanket or even better yet, put her on my sister’s chest covered in blankets……how could she not be warmer in that environment instead of the current one?
The nurse still fiercely disagreed with me. I decided it was time for someone in the room to use logic and love and I then swept my niece up, wrapped her tightly and handed her to my sister. The crying stopped immediately upon my even picking her up. Wow, who knew that picking up a baby and comforting them could stop crying and give comfort and peace to the baby? (Note the sarcasm here)
I only tell the story above to show a small example of how lack of logic can be seen in an hospital environment. For all of you who think I’m saying there is no logic used in the hospital, I’m not. So please don’t get upset. I’m simply stating I believe their over use of technology is creating a situation where technology has become believed more than personal intuition. I find the latter being more true and believable than the former.
Read the articles below on delayed cord clamping. Watch the very educational video below on delayed cord clamping as well. I’m sure I’ve posted these before somewhere but I can find where… here they are again. 🙂
Delayed Cord Clamping: An all of human history practice (20th century exempted)
“There are many things that help our children to be as healthy as possible during their first minutes, hours, days, months and years. If the findings of some new research are correct, then ensuring that our babies get their full volume of blood as they are born might be one of the more important steps we can take for the well-being of our children.”
LOVE Robin Lim. Amazing midwife and sister to many. 🙂 Listen to her share about delayed cord clamping.
In Peace,
Hi, I hate to be that person, but I think in the second paragraph you mean “Early cord clamping has no rationale”. You typed “delayed cord clamping”. Also, your title states that delayed cord clamping is illogical, but the premise of your post is that *early* cord clamping is irrational. The back and forth is really confusing.
I think maybe you made a mistake. I think where you have the term delayed cord clamping, you meant early clamping/cutting. Otherwise it makes little sense.
Thank you, both of you, for point out my mistakes. They have been corrected. I apologize for the confusion. 🙂