Since I have been talking about laughter and pregnancy, I wanted to post a funny Monty Python skit that was recently sent to one of the Yahoo groups I am in. Please understand, I mean no offense to those of you who have hospital births. I do respect the medical world and what they can and have done for me and my family. It just seemed to me that some of the hospital births I have attended things do kind of go like this. I think things tend to become so routine in hospitals that they forget what pregnancy and birth is really all about. I hope everyone gets a good laugh and enjoys watching.
I actually woke up this morning feeling not as sick. I am still trying to figure out if there is really any rhyme or reason to my nausea. It’s funny because in my last post I stated that kombucha was helping me but…..then yesterday I just couldn’t bring myself to drink it. Also, the bar that I posted didn’t sound good either. I think it’s kind of funny that what I thought would work, now sounds disgusting.
But, part of the reason I am hoping I feel better today is because I ate all raw yesterday. It actually didn’t feel too hard because I wasn’t really craving. I hardest part with this whole process is feeling the need to eat all day long because when I do I tend to feel better. My mind now is CONSTANTLY thinking about what I am going to eat next because NOTHING sounds good. Oh….it really SUCKS!! I went from really never thinking about food and just eating when the hunger kicked in to eating all day long when I don’t even feel hungry. I am sorry you guys but part of the reason I am going to be posting more is so I can complain a bit. It helps me to know that I might have an empathetic ear.
Chris made another good point this morning, which I think I talked about in my last post. That is when I feel better to just be grateful. This morning I had some fears creep in as to why I might be feeling better. All kinds of things that I think every pregnant woman thinks. I VERY quickly dismissed those thoughts and decided to just let my heart feel grateful that this morning wasn’t as bad as yesterday morning. I do feel VERY grateful to state that I have never had a miscarriage and neither has my only blood sister who has had children. I met a woman who had several miscarriages throughout her childbearing years and my heart felt her sorrow over her loss. So I just said a little prayer for her in my heart. She was just SO cute though. She is pregnant now and ready to deliver any day. I will keep praying for her that all will go well.
Here is what I ate yesterday. It all tasted VERY good. I think I am finding that drinking green smoothies all day long really helps the MOST of anything else I have tried. It keeps something in my stomach and even though it doesn’t initially sound good, it always tastes good when I drink it.
Thursday, November 8th:
1-2 quarts of water
1/2 cup OJ mixed with Vitamineral green powder and Primal Defense powder
1 banana
2 1/2 quarts of green smoothie (sipped on every hour)
1 quart green soup with spinach, celery, green onion, avocado, tomato, sea lettuce, dulse, water and chopped marinated artichoke hearts. This tasted SOOOO good.
3 grapefruits
1 pomegranite
1/2 cup OJ mixed with green powders
Oh, and here is what I ate the day before. Which tasted really good but gave me REALLY bad indigestion.
Wednesday, November 7th:
1-2 quarts of water
1/2 cup OJ mixed with green powders
2 quarts green drink
2 bananas
Some pear with a tall glass of fresh OJ which my friend Christa juiced for me
2 Sprouted wheat “pizzas” See recipe from earlier post!!
1 cup raw lemonade
A few pieces of dried mango
1 pomengrante
Lastly, I just wanted to post this AMAZING picture of what my baby might look like at 6 weeks gestation. It is FUN to think he/she has already formed to this extent and most of that forming took place when I didn’t even know it was happening. Isn’t God and our bodies just so AWESOME? Even though I still have some issues to work out about this baby and pregnancy, I am THANKFUL that I am blessed with another life to help come into this world and begin their path to God, Heavenly Mother and their Savior.
I hope everyone is having a GRAND November getting ready for Thanksgiving and all the festivities. My prayers and LOVE is sent to all of you!!
Abundant peace to all,
you’re not alone! Constantly thinking of what you’re going to eat next is me a lot of the time. I eat something and it didn’t quite hit the spot, so I try again. Or I might get out-of-balance, and attempt to correct it but it only goes back the other way! Food has a way of driving you crazy…..