Beloved Friends,
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am sending this BEAUTIFUL quote because it permeates the true feelings of Christmas for me. Inner PEACE, which I feel comes through understanding and internalizing the life and LOVE of our Saviour! As we do this and apply the principles which we feel can benefits us, our families, and the world, we then see everything with eyes of light and everlasting truth. I pray that this New Year brings inner peace to all of us as brothers and sisters of an eternal God and that we can all recognize these qualities in each other. I believe that charity for one another will create a world where each of us strives for the closeness and connection we are all really looking for. We can then live in a world where our Savior with PEACE can reign supreme.
God bless you all, The Talley’s (Chris, Rachel, Dean, Golden, Millie and Pratt)
“Like those who were alive at the time of His mortal ministry, thereare some among us who look for physical peace and prosperity as signs ofthe Savior’s wondrous power. We sometimes fail to understand that theeverlasting peace Jesus promises is an inner peace, born in faith, anchoredby testimony, nurtured with love, and expressed through continual obedienceand repentance. It is a peace of spirit that echoes through the heart andthe soul. If one truly knows and experiences this inner peace, there is nofear from worldly disharmony or discord. One knows deep down inside thatall is well as far as the things that really matter areconcerned.”
~M. Russell Ballard