LivingMom News

Pregnancy and birth-related news to keep every Momma informed

Before and After Pictures

Before: Now:

My Story: Why Raw?

Raw food has saved my life more than once. Whether it was curing my Hasimoto's throidistis or pulling me through when I…

Nutritional Counseling

I LOVE to spend time with people. It is my FAVORITE pastime. To teach someone their own power of creativity and…

Why Midwifery?

A long time ago a friend mentioned to me her belief that a woman, whether she was 16 or 60, would never forget the…

Inspiring a Mother

Disease and sickness are rampid in our country. We are dying of diseases that are TOTALLY preventable. Obesity now…

Doula Services

"Giving birth to a baby is so much more than a physical phenomenon; it engages parents-to-be in a transformational…

As a Man Thinketh

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts." -James Allen

Energy Work

Science has now proven that we are all energy. Einstein showed this truth with his mathematical equation of E=MC2.…

Co-Op Questions

Often times people ask me about the co-op I belong to. It is called Azure Standard and anyone intersted in joining can…

Love the Journey

In January of 2001 I arrived on the path of health through nutrition by reading the book Sugar Blues. I immediately…

When do……?

Transitioning Tips

Educating yourself will be one of the best things you can do to stay focused. A good goal for me was trying to read a…