A good friend emailed this to me yesterday. I found it quite FUNNY and so I wanted to share. It looks like the whole video would give you a good laugh. I found it even funnier since life has seemed a bit harder lately. Chris has been SUPER busy, working 6 days a week usually 10 or more hour days. It was FUN for me to watch because the truth is that it holds pretty true to the way men and woman think. So often I forget what goes on in my sweet hubbies brain and decide that he should think and act as I do. He really uses the NOTHING BOX when he gets the chance lately because it’s the only time he can really relax after his busy day. Even still though, it seems both of us are going ALL THE TIME trying to find that time when we will get a break.
I have been feeling the baby move ALOT more this week. It seems that it likes to be awake around 5 am. It still feels like gas, to a certain extent. I can tell when it’s not though because it is lower in my abdomen and the movements do get stronger with each week. Two days ago, I woke up around 5 and laid there for an hour just feeling the movements and LOVING every minute of it. I had forgotten how COOL it is. When I was first pregnant this time, I remembered really enjoying and BASKING in pregnancy with my previous ones. I was having a hard time trying to figure out why I had felt that way. But….as soon as I started feeling better and then feeling the movements, it became AMAZING for me again. I instantly remembered the joy I found in it all.
I am already starting to feel a bit uncomfortable physically though. Not a big issue, just noticing that my belly is growing. It already feels like an extra weight. With my first, I was thin but I think I actually weight less with this pregnancy than with that one. I am wondering if just being thinner is making the body changes more noticable. I am pretty sure that’s the case anyway. I weighed myself on my mother in law’s scale the other day and it said I weighted 126. I had weighed 128 at my sister’s house about 3 weeks ago now. I am sure it is just the use of different scales. I know I haven’t lost any weight, that’s for sure and recently I haven’t been eating as healthy as I would like so….we’ll just see what happens in the weight department in the next few weeks.
Remember how I was talking about the movie by Ricki Lake called “The Business of Being Born?” Well, I found a little snipit with her in an interview. I enjoyed watching it so I thought others might too!!
I just recently recieved some information about when it is showing in Utah. Here it is. I am thinking of going but I am wondering if there might be others who want to carpool.
The Utah Birth Network is proud to present a special screening of The Business of Being Born. Friday March 8 Displays featuring local mother-friendly organizations and The Shape of a Mother open at 5pm, Movie begins at 6pm
Located at Weber State University (Rm 110)
Davis Campus 2750 N. University Park Blvd. Layton, Utah Seating is limited!
Contact Sara Forsberg to purchase tickets 801-643-2633 or saraATutahbirth.net
$10 pre-purchase $15 at the door $40 Utah Birth Network membership + 2 tickets Free at the door to WSU Wildcard holders
Birth: it’s a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of life. But more than anything, birth is a business. Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to examine and question the way American women have babies. The film interlaces intimate birth stories with surprising historical, political and scientific insights and shocking statistics about the current maternity care system. When director Epstein discovers she is pregnant during the making of the film, the journey becomes even more personal. Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic medical emergency? Visit www.thebusinessofbeingborn.com for more information
I was SO excited today to pull out some of my old “Power Thought Cards” by Louise Hay. It was SO NEAT to go through them and just let myself feel the words as they spoke to my heart of who I truly am!! I typed a WHOLE bunch up for Chris and I and hung them all around our room. I think they will help us both right now really stayed focused on who we really are and not get lost in the all the lies we keep habitually telling ourselves.
I recieved a quote today in my email that I LOVED! It helped me remember that we are all truly LOVE and have the ability to CONQUER anything our hearts desire.
“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire. ” ~Teilhard de Chardin
Isn’t that LOVELY? With all the LOVE that is inside us because of God’s grace and love for us, we can accomplish and truly BE everything we already are. We just have to REMEMBER and RELEARN which we are all doing each and everyday through our experiences.
I think that is all for today. More soon.
Abundant peace to all,
P.S. For some reason blogger won’t let me check the spelling so if there are any misspelled words (which I am ABSOLUTELY sure there are), I apologize. Spelling was NOT my best subject in school.