I am SO sorry that I have been such a slacker and it has been so long since I have posted. Whenever we plan a sweat lodge ceremony, it seems life gets really crazy for several days before and after. We had a very interesting and VERY emotional and spiritually cleansing ceremony on Saturday. I did actually take some pictures and will show those and talk about the experience in the next couple of days.
I knew she was going to have a BIG baby. I could tell as I palpated her during her prenatals. Also, her belly was measuring quite large for as many weeks as she was. At the time of pushing, she was having to use much more energy than she had to in the past with her previous births. She was doing so well! When the babies head was fully out, we noticed that pushed that the baby’s head never restituted and his face had the look of a turtle. These 2 signs show that the baby was stuck and had shoulder dystocia. The anterior shoulder was stuck up against the pubic bone and was having a hard time moving past it. So, I proceeded to reach in and grab under the armpit the posterior arm and pulled it out. It worked BEAUTIFULLY and soon thereafter she had a GORGEOUS baby boy. He weighted 10 lbs. 14 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long. I LOVED helping my sister deliver her baby. It was a very rewarding experience for me. Thanks Amy!!