Educating yourself will be one of the best things you can do to stay focused. A good goal for me was trying to read a book a week. Be prayerful as you decide what books to read. Utilize the internet. It is the most inexpensive way to learn! I love it! Here are a few guidelines to help you along the way:
Sugar: This is the first thing I cut out and I believe the most important. You will stop some strong food cravings just by doing so. Read Sugar Blues, by William Dufty and any other book that can teach you about the addictive qualities of sugar. Replace sugar with honey, xylitol, agave nectar, or maple syrup.
Whites: These include rice, breads, tortillas and pastas. Transition these with 100% whole wheat products. With bread, make sure it is honey whole wheat. As time passes, you can make another transition moving into sprouted grains. Once again, read books discussing the side effects of processed foods. A good book is Beating the Food Giants, by Paul A. Stitt.
Pasteurized Dairy Products: Extremely mucus forming! The book called Milk The Deadly Poison, by Robert Cohen tells of what effects it has on the body. Replace pasteurized milk products with unheated dairy or soy products. Lars Woolsey has state licensed unheated goat and cow milk. It is excellent. His number is: 362-6586
Avoidance of Meat: Try to cut out as much meat as possible. Read books on eating large amounts of meat and the negative effects it has on the body. There are studies that show that consuming large amounts of meat can cause cancer. Replace meat with steamed vegetables and squashes. A excellent book that discusses this is called The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell.
As you begin, eat at least a 50 percent raw food diet. That really is not difficult. Replace one meal a day with a large salad. While going through your transition, eliminated more and more cooked food from your diet and replace it with raw food. Also, read as many raw food books as you can (see some great recommendations on the right-hand column of this webpage). Search the internet – there are tons of recipes. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Be grateful for the abundant health and happiness you will be creating for yourself. Remember, this is FUN and EXCITING!!! Enjoy the ride.
Thanks so much. These book recommendations are so helpful. I’ve never heard of some of them.